
Reviewing my Backups

I identified that my formerly robust system of data backups, particularly for photos, was no longer great. A combination of frugality and simplification had gone too far. Some time ago I deleted my Backblaze account. Recently I deleted my Flickr account. That left me only with iCloud Photos, which is a sync service and not a true backup. This doesn’t protect my old Lightroom .dng files, nor anything else that isn’t a photo.

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The Edit of Hemispheric Views 078

Here is a screenshot of the edit for Hemispheric Views episode 078. Six audio tracks in play. Lots of edits and adjustments. Ferrite by WoojiJuice makes this possible, combined with a couple of years of editing experience and know-how I have built up. I’m proud that I have the skills to do this. Not something that generally goes on my curriculum vitae, but maybe it should?

My App Toolkit 2023

At the beginning of 2023, an update to my 2020 post about my App Toolkit. It is still overflowing with tools, although I think it’s in better shape than at my last review. Purpose iOS Primary iOS Secondary macOS Primary macOS Secondary Best Cross Platform Blogging Gluon MarsEdit Drafts Report Writing Word Ulysses Word Word Meeting Notes Agenda iThoughts Agenda iThoughts Agenda Daily Notes Agenda Logseq Agenda Logseq Agenda Tasks OmniFocus Reminders OmniFocus Reminders OmniFocus Brainstorming iThoughts MindNode iThoughts Bike iThoughts

Should I Mix Up My Approach to RSS?

I’ve always been an RSS completionist. Since the days of Bloglines, which was before Google Reader. I have a few hundred feeds and I work through them — usually on a daily basis — to ensure they are read and down to ‘inbox zero’. I achieve this with Inoreader and a combination of NetNewsWire and Reeder. I’m wondering though, should I be using FraidyCat? I tried it years ago and it didn’t stick.

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Adventures in SoftRAID

I’ve had an adventure with my OWC Thunderbay 4-disk drive array this week. I’ve emerged the other side, ultimately unscathed, but the journey certainly could have been easier. Let’s take a look. It all started when I reached the capacity of my RAID-5 formatted array of 4 x 2TB drives. The 6TB of storage this provided me was almost full. This array sits in a cupboard connected to a headless M1 mac mini, so all operations need to be managed through screen sharing with Screens or SSH.

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Another Crack at Git

Not long ago on this site I stated that I was fed up with git and that I was switching back to Dropbox. I did. It was still infuriating because I refuse to install the Dropbox client for this one measly application. So I’m back to git. Instead of using Atlassian’s Sourcetree for managing the files on my Mac, this time I’m going with GitHub Desktop. I chose Sourcetree the first time around because it was a native Mac app whereas GHD is an Electron app.

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Take two at publishing via When did this become a thing? Fascinating.

I Forgot About 1Writer

I also own 1Writer, which also plugs directly into Dropbox, and is, arguably, a better editor. It’s certainly a more fully-featured one. Yes, I own many text editors. It’s the curse of the tinkerer. I also forgot that you can pretend a file name with _ in Blot and it won’t publish it as a live post. I’ve done that with this entry, so ideally it will publish when I’m finished and ready - not when I’m just getting started.

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Posting here using Byword

I’ve owned Byword for many years. I think it was the first Markdown editor I bought, for both iOS and macOS. I abandoned it a long time ago as well, as it seemed to pale in comparison with other Markdown editors. In looking for an easier way to post to Blot via Dropbox, however, Greg Moore suggested Byword. I’ve installed it here on my iPad, and it does connect neatly to Dropbox - bypassing the futzy iOS Files.

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Read-it-Later with...

I’ve used Instapaper relatively consistently since Marco Arment introduced it. Was that a decade ago now? Occasionally I’ve stopped using it, or toyed with other services like Pocket, or Safari’s Reading List feature. In the end, however, I’ve always gone back to Instapaper. Despite that usage, I’ve never been interested in any of the service’s ‘power user’ features. They’ve always felt disjointed from my larger workflows. My Instapaper history is an island of data that is unconnected from my other information, which is primarily kept in DEVONthink.

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Drafts for Link Posts I’ve been noodling around trying to figure out the most effective way to write and publish onto this Blot-powered page, especially from iOS, but also recognising that I do also use macOS. The answer is always Drafts, isn’t it? That app that I keep trying to incorporate into my workflow, and then keep forgetting about. Thanks to @vasta and galexa I should be able to develop a better/faster/more efficient process.

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Link Posts and Blot

I’ve been noodling around trying to figure out the most effective way to write and publish onto this Blot-powered page, especially from iOS, but also recognising that I do also use macOS. This is theoretically easy, since Blot just needs a file to exist in a Dropbox folder. Where I’ve found some problems, though, is in the production of link blog posts. Recent experimentation on my other blog using MarsEdit and its lovely Safari extension for the creation of link posts has made me more frustrated with my current workflow for link posts here on Blot.

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Putting this here as a method of recording the fact that the concept of zettelkasten and leveraging software to create an effective collection of zettels is taking up an unreasonable portion of my brain space. The parallel problem is that there are too many intriguing options that offer possible solutions, and I can’t settle on one. Probably my wiki has been my most comprehensive effort, but I have also loved TheBrain.

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