
Norwegians FTW

Norwegians are the best. Listeners of Hemispheric Views will already know of the esteem in which I hold fürstenberg; who is essentially Norwegian me. We have many similarities across our respective histories; it’s quite fun! Now, I’ve got another Norwegian to thank: Erland. I discovered Erland through Mastodon, I think. Although he also has a site, so it could have been there. Like myself, Erland also seems to have an interest in notetaking apps, and his favourite is Paper.

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The King is Dead; Long Live the King

Update: 14 December 2021: John, a kind reader of this blog emailed me to correct the record regarding the age of these apps. I imply below that Quicksilver predated Launchbar when in fact Launchbar is the oldest of the crop. In my usage, Quicksilver was the first King - it was my gateway drug to this application category. But Quicksilver was not the first. A few days ago I noticed that Launchbar was consuming excessive CPU cycles on my iMac.

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